The Dad's Guide to Celebrating Mother's Day


For moms with young kids, Mother’s Day is an extra-special holiday. This season in her life is a time when motherhood is still new, fresh, and exciting. It’s also the period where she has the least amount of time for self-care and carries the most stress. Mother’s Day is the perfect opportunity to remind her of the fact that she’s doing a great job. But, unfortunately, the kids probably didn’t get the memo. 

That’s where you come in. 

This article serves as the dad’s guide to helping that wonderful woman in your life feel admired on Mother’s Day. 

Mother’s Day is a Holiday Worth Celebrating

In the family, the mother is indispensable. 

She is responsible for completing so many different tasks and wearing so many different hats that it can sometimes be easy to take her for granted. In an effort to prevent this from happening, Anna Jarvis created the official holiday labeled “Mother’s Day” in 1905 to honor “the sacrifices mothers made for their children.”1

Since then, the tradition has been carried on each year, with the entire country joining in to express their respect and gratitude for their own moms.


6 Ways Dads Can Help Their Kids Celebrate

The only true way for kids to learn to cherish and treasure their mothers is by example. And, what a better opportunity for dads to lead by example than on Mother’s Day? It doesn’t have to be this all-out event with extravagant planning, but it is important to help them make her feel loved. Here are six of the best ways to do that:

1. Make Something for Her

There is nothing quite like a handmade gift that says “I love you, and I’m thankful for you.” Something like this will be more treasured than anything you can find in the store. Gather the kids sometime while mom is distracted and get crafty! It doesn’t have to be something Pinterest-worthy; a simple card or finger painting will mean so much on her special day. 

2. Show Her Your Appreciation

It’s no secret that moms work hard. Between cooking, cleaning, and caring for the kids, there is a lot that goes in to everyday day routine. Remind her that she is noticed. Take over the cleaning for the day. Cook her favorite meal at home. Do something small that you know she’ll enjoy, and the feeling of love will make her entire day amazing. 

3. Give Her Some Time Alone

Sometimes, amongst all the excitement and festivities, one of the best things you can do for Mother’s Day is give her some time alone. Book her in at the spa if you want to treat her to a real day of relaxation and self-care. However, all that effort isn’t required. She would be just as happy if you took the kids out for a few hours while she had a bath, binged her favorite show on Netflix, and was given time for a nap. 

4. Enjoy Time Outside

One great method for encouraging the entire family to be engaged and excited about Mother’s Day is to get outside. The great outdoors has a unique way of connecting people through beautiful views and wonderful experiences. And it’s an awesome place to spend Mother’s Day, regardless of the outdoor experience you have. Consider going for a picnic or taking a walk on a local trail. It’s the perfect time to appreciate the warm weather and sights of spring. 

5. Tackle the Morning On Your Own

Sleeping in late is not typical of a mom’s morning routine. Change things up this Mother’s Day by grabbing the kids before they’re able to wake her up. She will definitely appreciate the opportunity to wake up slowly (and on her own), and you might even have a chance to surprise her with breakfast in bed! 

6. Give Her a Gift with Meaning

As we’ve already covered, motherhood can be hard sometimes. If you really want to get a gift for the mother of your children, choose something to make her job easier. This is entirely subjective for the woman you love. It could look like an annual pass to the local aquarium or a subscription to a parenting box. Maybe a baby sleep coach is the perfect gift for helping her adjust to motherhood. Whatever it is, make it something meaningful and worthwhile to her role as a mom. 


Mother’s Day is the Perfect Opportunity to Make Mom Feel Loved

No matter what you and the kids decide to do for Mother’s Day 2021, the most important thing is that you show their mom how much she is loved. It may not be a holiday where you spend a lot of money or decorate the house, but there are plenty of ways to make her feel valued. And, moms should always feel valued. 


  1. Editors. (2011, April 29). Mother’s Day 2021.


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