Everything You Want to Know About Nap Transitions

Nap transitions can be so difficult. In this Facebook Live, I explain how to avoid the the chaos around nap transitions so you can plan in advance and have a strategic approach to guide your child.

Here are some baseline guidelines and concept, but please watch the video for more information.

Dropping from 3 naps to 2 naps happens between 9-10 months

Dropping form 2 naps to 1 nap happens between 15-18 months

Children keep 1 nap a day schedule from 15/18 months all the way until 3-5 years of age. Even if they start to drop the nap some days of the week, children in this age group will ALWAYS have a 45min-1hr rest period in the middle of the day.

When you can tell they are starting to make the nap transition, you will start noticing "nap skipping" or "disaster naps" that are short and leave your child still cranky.

This behavior signals you are about to move into about a 2-3 week period when you will have to be both patient and deliberate on how to properly "time" the new nap schedule so you can offer a smooth transition.

You will always want bedtime to come earlier during this nap transition period.

You will also want to "nudge" the wakefulness windows every 2-3 days by 15-30 minute increments. In this way, your child can "build their resilience" to stay away longer before they "crash and burn".

The below Sleep Guidelines will help you know when to expect the nap transitions and to navigate the wakefulness periods

Sleep Matters: Get your Ages and Stages Sleep Guidelines

Please watch this video below for more examples.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXpqoR5N1bY?rel=0&w=560&h=315]

If you should need to TALK TO ME LIVE to address any of your personal sleep questions. Feel free to reach out to me at https://www.blissfulbabysleepcoaching.com/contact-2

Lastly, if you would like me to answer one of your questions on my next FB Live on Wednesdays at 3pm PST, than please submit your question here: https://bit.ly/3dMGL7v


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